- Cell Phones and Mobile Plans
MIC is a cell phone company in Japan with mobile services and internet plans for people and business.
MIC is a cell phone company in Japan.


Company : MIC
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Phone : (+81) 03-5253-1111
Social Networks Facebook

Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC): Overseeing Japan's Communications and Internal Affairs

The "Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications" is the Japanese government ministry responsible for overseeing a wide range of matters related to communications and internal affairs.

Responsibilities and Focus Areas

  • Telecommunications: The MIC regulates and supervises the telecommunications sector in Japan. This includes managing frequency assignments, issuing licenses for telecommunications operators, and promoting market competition.
  • Broadcasting: The MIC oversees broadcasting in Japan, issuing licenses for radio and television stations, managing the frequency spectrum, and advocating for media diversity.
  • Communications Policy: Developing and implementing policies and regulations related to communications. This includes promoting broadband connectivity, cybersecurity, and protecting user privacy.
  • Internal Affairs: Handling internal affairs concerning local and regional administration in Japan. This includes election management, local government administration, and promoting government decentralization.

The MIC plays a crucial role in regulating and promoting communications and domestic affairs in Japan. Its efforts ensure that telecommunications services are available and secure for Japanese citizens.

Phones in Japan: NTT Docomo, SoftBank, Rakuten Mobile, LINE Mobile, IIJmio, UQ Mobile, Y Mobile, MIC
The customer can compare cell phone companies and the different options of plans and packages. List of the best mobile phone companies and smartphones in Japan. Analysis of the market of mobile carriers, telecommunications and the use of technology in the future of the country.
Japan MIC 2024
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